Hello again, fellow readers.
It has been a long while, definitely, I have not updated my blog for a long long time. I believe the time has come for me to start writing again. There are several new subjects I would like to share with you and today's post is about Root canal Therapy.
You see, technology changes from day to day, and so does dentistry. There are many innovations coming out every day and we need to stay informed so that we can understand life better and provide for us and our friends and family the best we can.
In dentistry a root canal therapy is considered to be one of the most challenging procedures. Well today there is a lot of help in this field for the dentist with all the new equipment and technology that has been provided.
Most of the time a root canal therapy was something that required a lot of time and patience from the dentist and the patient. The procedure was tiring, demanding and well really a nightmare for most dentists since you could not see what you were treating... I mean just imagine: you try to cure something that is approximately a millimetre width (the orifice of the root canal) and you have to clean it properly and leave no microbes or necrotic tissue behind before you obturate it. Well how easy is that? Definitely it is really difficult.
The best thing is that there is a solution. Dentists can now use magnification: either using loupes or using a microscope.
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The benefits are that the procedure takes less time, it is done thoroughly since the dentist can actually see the problem and deal with it accordingly and therefore provide better treatment for his/her patients.
That is for today folks, next time I will talk about new materials and procedures in dentistry that give more solutions in root canal therapy and provide more comfort for the patient.
Till then, take care!
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing such useful information. People usually panic when told that they must undergo a root canal treatment. But an experienced dentist can make the process a lot less frightening than it seems. I used to be nervous with dental routines too but with consistent visits to my regular Torrance dentist, I am much calmer these days.
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