Thursday, 28 September 2017

It has been a long time now, has it not?

Well there have been a lot of things going on, in my life and in the world in general. I left this blog way behind...

Well, here we go again! I'll try to stay more focused on this blog and deliver more interesting news and procedures regarding the field of dentistry.

Ok, there are several things on my mind that I think will be of interest to many others, but the one thing that I think concerns the most is the matter of tooth pain and pain in the general mouth area.

Tooth ache
 The Gazette, all rights reserved

Well more or less everyone has been introduced to tooth ache (or pain call it whatever you like). But there are several degrees to this sort of ache. So let's get this sorted so you can understand better what you are dealing with.

Tooth decay - caries

Tooth decay is the process that destroys the tooth hard tissues starting with the tooth's strongest layer - the enamel - and then going on to the less strong and therefore easier to destroy layer - the dentin.
What you get after this process has gone under way is a nice little hole (ok sometimes it is big) that starts to feel some mediocre pain especially when you eat something sweet. Sometimes the tooth also reacts to cold or hot reactions but the duration of that pain is always short (a few seconds) and the intensity is mild. It is not the sort of pain that you go "Oh my god, it hurts!!!" - no, it is the sort of pain that you usually react as "Damn, my tooth hurts a bit".

Well this is the case where most people look for a dentist to help them get over this problem. But there is also a percentage of people who tend to ignore the problem, either because of their fear of the dentist (which happens most of the time) or because they believe that this problem is something trivial and it will go away on it's own. Well I have got some news for you: It won't.

The problem will not go away on it's own, the hole (or the crater!) that has been created as a result of tooth decay will not fill itself again - it will only get deeper and then the bad news arrive: the decay opens the pulp chamber (or the nerve chamber call it however you want) and voila! Tooth decay is now officially transformed into nerve decay. Well the proper word is pulpitis from the word pulp which is the name for the tooth's nerve system. The pain now is really really strong, the duration is almost continuous and it gets stronger at night when you go to sleep. If you eat or drink something cold or hot the pain hits like a hammer. Well at this point most people go to see their dentist or a dentist if they do not have their own, and now instead of a simple filling you have to through a root canal therapy. 

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Root canal Therapy latest

   Hello again, fellow readers.

It has been a long while, definitely, I have not updated my blog for a long long time. I believe the time has come for me to start writing again. There are several new subjects I would like to share with you and today's post is about Root canal Therapy.

   You see, technology changes from day to day, and so does dentistry. There are many innovations coming out every day and we need to stay informed so that we can understand life better and provide for us and our friends and family the best we can.

   In dentistry a root canal therapy is considered to be one of the most challenging procedures. Well today there is a lot of help in this field for the dentist with all the new equipment and technology that has been provided.

   Most of the time a root canal therapy was something that required a lot of time and patience from the dentist and the patient. The procedure was tiring, demanding and well really a nightmare for most dentists since you could not see what you were treating... I mean just imagine: you try to cure something that is approximately a millimetre width (the orifice of the root canal) and you have to clean it properly and leave no microbes or necrotic tissue behind before you obturate it. Well how easy is that? Definitely it is really difficult.

  The best thing is that there is a solution. Dentists can now use magnification: either using loupes or using a microscope. All rights reserved

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   Both solutions provide better visualisation of the target (the tooth) and have their advantages and disadvantages. The loupes are smaller, they are wearable just like a pair of glasses, but if the dentist needs more magnification, they become bigger and heavier and they are tiring for the head and the eyes... The microscope on the other hand provides various levels of magnification, is not tiring for the eyes, you can also document the whole case with photographs and video, well the downside is that it is rather huge in comparison and that well is a lot more costly (for the dentist that is...).

   The benefits are that the procedure takes less time, it is done thoroughly since the dentist can actually see the problem and deal with it accordingly and therefore provide better treatment for his/her patients.

  That is for today folks, next time I will talk about new materials and procedures in dentistry that give more solutions in root canal therapy and provide more comfort for the patient.

   Till then, take care!